How to Participate
Join a video call
You can participate to online Activities or experiences held by myHolidayActivities' activity providers using Skype/Zoom platforms. Once Activity is confirmed and booked, you’ll get an email invite link for Skype or Zoom meeting 48 hours prior to activity session. You can participate either using your web browser or thru Zoom/Skype app. Before the Activity session, make sure you’re logged into your meeting IDs and you’ve checked your mic and camera to avoid any disturbance.
Our Activity hosts struggle to provide best video conferencing experiences bearing high quality and efficiency. Download Apps: [Skype], [Zoom]
Activity Summary
What is it all about?
This activity is about photographing people during their visit to London
What Are You Doing
I am offering a professional outdoors photoshoot for the tourist during their visit to London
Guest Prerequisite
What does it come with?



Buy Your Activity
Additional Information
What Should I Dress?
Whatever you want
What Else Should I know?
Wheater in London is tricky and changing often
What Else Can I Get?
Can I Purchase/Hire Items If needed?
Terms & Conditions
Unforeseen Cancellation *
Cancellation can be made 24 hours before the shoot
Confirmation Policy (Optional)
Final confirmation will be 24 hours before the photoshoot
Safety Policy *
POLICY STATEMENT GENERAL STATEMENT OF INTENT Viktor Kadiri is committed to ensuring the safety of his, customers, members of the public and anyone else who are affected by our operations. The company commits to operating in accordance with the Health and Safety at Work (etc) Act, The Management of Health & Safety Regulations and all other applicable regulations and codes of practice, so far as is reasonably practicable. The management will ensure that significant risks are assessed and suitable and sufficient measures are adopted to allow each employee/contractor to carry out his/her duties safely and without risk to health. Suitable equipment will be provided and maintained in a safe condition, and safe systems of work will be devised. The company shall strive to achieve continuous improvement in Health & Safety performance. Viktor Kadiri will provide all necessary resources including time to ensure that all Health and Safety matters are adequately funded. This includes, training, personal protective equipment, adequate equipment/tools, maintenance for this equipment, external advice where necessary and any other resource necessary to ensure the Health and Safety of our staff Each employee/contractor will be made aware of his/her responsibility for his/her own health and safety and that of others. All employees/contractors will be given the opportunity to consult with the management on matters relating to Health & Safety, or to appoint a representative to do so. Where necessary the company will arrange or provide suitable training for both management and operatives, in particular where new work practices or equipment are introduced. The company will seek external advice as necessary to keep its health & safety policy, working practices and equipment up to date and in accordance with current legislation. Ultimate responsibility in all areas of safety rests with Viktor Kadiri. This duty is of no less importance than any of the responsibilities attached to that position.
Photography in London
Viktor Kadiri, Member since 2 years 2 months
Last Logged in: 2 years 2 months AGOActivity Last Updated on: Jul 24, 2022 SEND MESSAGE